25 Years ago, on August 24, 1992 (right before Hurricane Andrew hit my area.) I remember wanting my mom to call our Pastor for an emergency baptism. That morning, my brother and I were baptized and I recall facing a very empty building, but it was perfect. What a sigh of relief I had, because I previously had been so afraid that I would die in that storm and not be heaven bound. BUT I was a child. I didn’t realize everything that following the Lord meant and what I would encounter in life. As I grew older, I backslid. I indulged in all the sin the world had to offer. That brought me nothing but turmoil, depression, suicidal thoughts, and insecurities. It also created a void that the world could not fill.
It wasn’t until I was at my worst that I allowed Jesus to show me His best.
The other day I was weeping because I was thinking of all the time I had lost. All that time I could’ve spent with God. I had burned it all up. Now, I know that’s not the case because I have another realization. I also have all of eternity to make up for it!! Jesus has prepared a place for me. My treasure is in heaven and I can’t wait till that day that I get to meet God and He will look at me and say, "Well done, My good and faithful servant!!" On this anniversary of my baptism. I have a lot to be grateful for. God never gave up on me. I now know a love that is so great it cannot be measured. Jesus loved me at my worst so I can love Him with my best.